The infrastructure industry in Australia is currently undergoing a significant transformation. With an ever-growing emphasis on sustainability and proper governance, leaders within the sector must acquire and refine their capabilities to navigate the new complexities of delivering projects within budget and on time. Recent Government reports, such as the Inland Rail review, have shed light on governance failings and highlighted the need for strong leadership and interpersonal capabilities to effectively oversee projects in the infrastructure sector.

In recognition of these challenges and to get ahead of them, Plus UTS Business Futures and John Holland Group (JHG) joined forces to develop a co-designed course to identify emerging leaders within JHG and equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully navigate future industry challenges. 

This blog post explores how the partnership between Plus UTS Business Futures and JHG Infrastructure resulted in a tailored program that primed leaders of the future for success.

Co-designing a tailored program

The success of the program relied on the co-design efforts between Plus UTS Business Futures and JHG. Understanding that customisation was crucial for effective learning outcomes, both entities engaged in an in-depth design thinking process. This involved exploring the specific goals, needs and expectations of the organisation. An outcome-focused approach aligns the program's content and delivery methods with these requirements, ensuring the course would truly address the leadership challenges faced by emerging leaders. We designed an immersive program including in-person workshops, state-of-the-art e-learning, coaching, mentoring, and peer learning.  

Fostering leadership skills

The co-designed course strongly emphasised the development of leadership skills essential for future success. Participants embarked on a journey that began with self-leadership, enabling them to better understand their strengths and areas for improvement. The program then guided participants towards leading adaptive teams, fostering collaboration, and leveraging collective potential. The program also directs participants' attention to their role as strategic leaders, enabling them to contribute meaningfully to JH’s vision, mission, and goals.

The infectious enthusiasm of the program

Throughout the course, participants and the leadership team from various business units displayed a notable infectious enthusiasm. This collective energy created an environment conducive to collaboration and knowledge sharing. Participants not only benefited from their peers' experiences but also expanded their networks and gained broader insights into the workings of JHG. The passionate facilitators from Plus UTS Business Futures played a pivotal role, igniting motivation and ensuring that the program's teachings were effectively translated into practical applications.

Preparing leaders for the future

The co-designed course equipped participants with the necessary tools and techniques to think strategically and holistically. Through the program, emerging leaders developed a more profound understanding of their roles within the organisation's long-term strategy. They were encouraged to think beyond daily tasks and delve into the bigger picture, ensuring their contributions aligned with future goals. By emphasising strategic leadership, the program prepared participants to guide projects and functional units towards success, even in the face of evolving industry landscapes.


The collaboration between Plus UTS Business Futures and JHG Infrastructure resulted in a co-designed course that primed leaders of the future for success and acted as a key tenant of their retention and attraction strategy. The partnership ensured that participants received targeted development opportunities by identifying emerging leaders and customising the program to their needs. The infectious enthusiasm displayed throughout the course fostered collaboration, knowledge sharing, and expanded networks. Equipped with enhanced leadership skills and a strategic mindset, participants emerged ready to drive John Holland Infrastructure towards its vision and achieve excellence in the infrastructure industry.

Contact Plus UTS to discover how a co-designed course can empower your organisation to develop a pipeline of exceptional leaders, drive innovation, and achieve long-term success.