As humans, the inclination for competition runs deep in our nature. From the earliest days of our evolutionary history, competition has been a driving force in shaping our behaviour and interactions. We see it in the way our ancestors competed for limited resources like food and shelter, and we experience it today in the sports we play, the games we enjoy, and the various social and professional endeavours we pursue.

Just as competition has fuelled our evolution and driven us to excel, gamification harnesses the power of engaging game elements to make the learning experience more immersive, motivating, and impactful. In this blog post, we will explore how gamification can transform L&D, not merely by adding fun, but by embracing the concept of true engagement through challenges, struggles, and cognitive growth.

Is gamification in L&D just about making things fun?

"Fun" and "learning" are two words that often go hand in hand when discussing gamification in the context of Learning and Development (L&D). True engagement in L&D involves more than just superficial fun; it requires a cognitive struggle that challenges learners and takes them on a meaningful journey of growth.

Claire Seldon, a Learning Designer and Gamification Consultant, likens this notion to video games, as “the best video games are hard, an easy video game is not fun, you want a game that challenges you”. Gamification in L&D should be deeply engaging, creating meaningful and powerful learning experiences that leave a lasting impact.

Key benefits of gamification in L&D

1. Increased engagement: Gamification captivates learners by tapping into their natural desire for competition, achievement, and rewards. Participants become more invested in their learning journey, leading to higher levels of engagement and participation.

2. Enhanced learning retention: When learners are actively involved in a gamified experience, they are more likely to remember and apply the knowledge gained. Interactive challenges and scenarios foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

3. Instant feedback and progress tracking: Gamification provides real-time feedback on learners' performance. This immediate feedback loop enables individuals to track their progress and identify areas for improvement, promoting a sense of accomplishment and continuous learning.

4. Fostering healthy competition: Leader boards and challenges encourage healthy competition among learners, motivating them to strive for excellence and push their boundaries.

5. Emphasising skill application: Gamified scenarios often simulate real-life situations, allowing learners to practice applying their knowledge in a risk-free environment. This practical approach enhances skill application in real-world situations.

Examples of gamification in L&D 

1. Interactive quizzes and challenges: Transform traditional quizzes into interactive games with points, timers, and rewards for correct answers, motivating learners to test their knowledge. Companies like Google and Microsoft utilise Hackathons to promote cross-collaboration and celebrate design thinking and innovation among their employees. Teams come together to solve complex problems, create innovative solutions, and showcase their skills. The gamified nature of Hackathons encourages participants to think outside the box, collaborate effectively, and stretch their creative boundaries.

2. Learning badges and certifications: Awarding virtual badges or certifications for completing milestones and achievements, providing learners with a sense of accomplishment and recognition.

3. Scenario-based simulations: Creating realistic simulations where learners must make decisions and solve challenges, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. For example, in our Movement and Place course with NSW Transport, learners visit a site and use what they’ve learned to recommend optimal pedestrian and traffic flow solutions, considering safety, accessibility, and efficiency. This hands-on approach immerses learners in real-world situations, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills that extend beyond mere theory.


Gamification is a game-changer in the world of Learning and Development. By leveraging game elements, organisations can transform traditional training programs into immersive, engaging, and effective learning experiences. From increased learner engagement to enhanced knowledge retention, gamification unlocks a host of benefits that not only impact the individuals but also drive organisational success.

Get in touch with Plus UTS to embrace the power of gamification in your L&D strategy and watch your workforce's skills and motivation soar to new heights.